The California table olive industry produces a large variety of olives, including black-ripe olives, green olives, and specialty olives. In particular, the black-ripe olive is a popular product which are processed by Bell-Carter Foods. Inc./Lindsay Olives and Musco Family Olive Co. where olives are sorted, graded, and stored before curing. Curing removes bitterness that is naturally present in olives straight off of the tree. More information about the industrial processing can be found on California Ripe Olives website.
Home Pickling
For home pickling, we recommend this guide published by UC ANR:
- Olives: Safe Methods for Home Pickling - S. Yada, L. J. Harris; adapted from G. York and R. Vaughn (UC ANR Pub 8267)(PDF 578 KB)
Some of our research findings are listed below:
Tang, F.; Krishnamurthy, K.; Janovick, J; Crawford, L.; Wang, S. C.; Hatzakis, E. Food Chem. 2023, 405(B), 134868. “Advancing NMR-based metabolomics using complete reduction to amplitude frequency table: cultivar differentiation of black ripe table olives as a case study”
Crawford, L. M.; Carrasquilla-Garcia N.; Wang, S. C. Food Control, 2020, 114, 107264: “Comparison of DNA analysis, targeted metabolite profiling, and non-targeted NMR fingerprinting for differentiating cultivars of processed olives”
Crawford, L. M.; Carrasquilla-Garcia N.; Cook, D.; Wang, S. C. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2020, 68, 4, 1110-1117: “Analysis of Microsatellites (SSRs) in Processed Olives as a Means of Cultivar Traceability and Authentication”
Crawford, L. M.; Wang, S. C. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2019, 57, 46, 12633-12641: “Comparative Study of Four Analytical Methods for the Routine Determination of Acrylamide in Black Ripe Olives”
Guggenheim, K. G.; Crawford, L. M.; Paradis, F.; Wang, S. C.; Siegel, J. B. ACS Omega, 2018, 3(11), 15754-15762: “B-Glucosidase Discovery and Design for the Degradation of Oleuropoein”
Tang, S.; Avena-Bustillos, R. d. J.; Lear, M.; Sedej, I.; Holstege, D. M.; Friedman, M.; McHugh, T. H.; Wang, S. C. J. Food Eng. 2016: “Evaluation of Thermal Processing Variables for Reducing Acrylamide in Canned Black Ripe Olives”